The Tiny Porch Concert Series is a series of concerts that take place on the porches/stoops/front yards of homes in the Woodland Heights neighborhood of Richmond, Virginia. The series is a celebration of local music, food, and community.
The concerts take place one Sunday of each month from June to October.
The concerts are free and open to the public. All are welcome to attend.
Please be mindful that this is a neighborhood event, so while we always welcome the greater Richmond community we don't advocate for additional car traffic or parking. Please take non-car transportation if joining from outside Woodland Heights. There are several GRTC stops in the neighborhood as well as RVA Bikes.
This is a pedestrian friendly event for the neighbors (or wannabe neighbors) of Woodland Heights. Please walk or bike between Host Porches during our Sunday evening concerts.
If you are coming from somewhere not walkable, please use Richmond's public transit system -- there are very close bus stops to ALL our Host Porches. We are not advocating for additional vehicular traffic in the neighborhood during these events.
Simply add in the address that you're coming from and the Host Porch you're headed to to listen to music and GRTC will give you a direct route:
Another option is to take RVA Bikes - there is a convenient docking location in Carter Jones Park.
Keep in mind that this is a pedestrian friendly event where neighbors will be walking on public streets to connect with one another and enjoy music from budding artists. You will be on public streets and should be aware and attend to any vehicular traffic for the safety of all neighbors enjoying the music.
You'll be walking around public streets - so anything that you'd typically carry with you on a walk around the neighborhood, feel free to do so.
Please respect all of Richmond, Virginia's established laws.
The concerts take place on the porches/stoops/front yards of homes in the Woodland Heights neighborhood of Richmond, Virginia.
Cancellation Notification: Any cancellation of a scheduled Tiny Porch event due to weather will be announced on Woodland Heights' Facebook and Instagram pages by TWO HOURS prior to the start of Tiny Porch on the event day.
Weather Criteria for Cancellation: Events will be canceled in case of:
Rescheduling for Musicians: Musicians impacted by cancellations will have priority for the last concert date in October (October 19th, if they choose). October scheduling is held until October 1st for flexibility.
Host Porch Schedule: Host porches are pre-assigned and won't be rescheduled.
It looks like neighbors connecting with one another. I looks like neighbors walking/biking/pushing strollers around Woodland Heights. It looks like budding artists trying out their skills, or established artists sharing their talents with all.
Don't believe me? Check out this photo album- it's frequently updated, so check back soon --> Tiny Porch Photos
The Tiny Porch Planning Committee has created a resource to support you in inviting out new neighbors or anyone you don't yet know on your block! There’s tons of research that backs up the benefits of knowing your neighbors for improved physical and mental health, increased safety, and overall community wellbeing.
Check out this video overview of how to use this resource.
How easy is it to walk our beautiful blocks, chat a bit, listen to a melody, support up and coming Richmond artists, make a new connection! Such an easy lift to invite a neighbor to join you!
Additionally, check out this folder full of fliers/images/etc that you can text, email, and share on social media to invite all your Woodland Heights neighbors.
Remember - personal invites go a LONG way to building connection + community.
No, this is a neighborhood pedestrian/cyclist friendly event, neighbors are urged to walk back to their own homes to use the restrooms. This is an outdoor event, no music will be playing in homes or in fenced yards so there is no need for Host Porches to open the inside of their homes.
Put it in RVA311! You can download the app or input your needs into the website:
RVA311 assists residents by getting their non-emergency concerns or questions answered - or delivered to the correct team for investigation - so services or assistance can be provided. Our highly trained call center agents, and our intelligent self-service website and mobile apps handle requests for potholes, sidewalks, stormwater, tax billing, streetlights, social services programs, and more.
Thank you for working to keep Woodland Heights safe and beautiful for years to come!
There are many ways to get involved with the Tiny Porch Concert Series. You can volunteer to help with setup and cleanup, you can donate to support the series, or you can apply to perform at one of the concerts.
To apply to perform at a concert, please fill out the performer application form on our website.
That's super gracious of you! Send us an email at to get started and fill out this Sponsorship/Donation form!
For the 2024 season, we'd like to thank:
River Copper Works who donated $500 worth of sound equipment to make concerts more equitable for all artists!
Chesapeake Bank who purchased $100 worth of yard signs to that neighbors could scan and hit up all the Host Porches + Artists!
StudioTwoThree who donated a screen print and HOURS of labor to screen print 200 Tiny Porch shirts!
Keep Virginia Cozy who donated garbage bag and trash collection supplies to keep Woodland Heights BEAUTIFUL!
Councilmember Stephanie Lynch's office for printing + copying fliers to share with all the neighbors!